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Each panel is a link to a different manual. You may click anywhere on the panel to enter the page.

When your mouse enters the gallery area you will see that you can choose to Filter, Sort or Search through the manuals.

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You can choose to filter by the Name, Tags, Date Created, and Views Manuals which are links to a the Views support manuals.

<aside> 🏷️ Each page has a tag outlining the section of Views that it explains. For example, a page about Questionnaires will have the “Questionnaire” tag, along with an “Evidence” tag, because Questionnaires are a part of Evidence.


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The Filter shown below is on Tags that are attached to manuals based off of Views.

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Sorting uses the same categories as filters but in this example allows you sorting of the manuals alphabetically.

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Searching allows you to search key words that are in titles or parts of tags.

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